Accessibility Policy

In alignment with the Human Rights Code, the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation ( IASR), Hospice Huronia has created the following accessibility policy.

Hospice Huronia wants to uphold the standards of human rights and create a climate of respect where everyone is part of the community and can contribute fully. People with disabilities must be free from discrimination and are accommodated fully. Disabilities may not always be visible and may include: physical, mental health, cognitive or intellectual challenges, learning, vision or hearing, epilepsy, substance addictions and environmental sensitivities.

People with disabilities have a legal right under the code and Hospice Huronia will support individual requests by: 

  • Acting in good faith
  • Acting promptly 
  • Seek accommodation solutions based on individual needs and document the process
  • Cover the cost of accommodation to the point of undue hardship
  • Respect the dignity of the person seeking accommodation and keep personal information private.

All Board members, employees and volunteers must complete the AODA training and obtain the certificate of completion.

Included but not exclusive will be our consideration of ensuring our website is AODA compliant, that we have access to alternative forms of communication, that we support service dogs, design our properties to be physically accessible and are scent sensitive.